Have no suggestions at all for a 16 month old. I have a 16 month old godson - I don't think he's going to school - I've taught him all I know already....
Poor little bugger will be swamped!
Think about Shore: Sydney Church of England Grammar:
The Northbridge campus has early education, and kindergarten to year 2.
North Sydney campus takes from year 3 on.
Not sure about waiting lists and it will be expensive.
You may do better asking around at playgroups, etc, than taking advice from me - a childless old bat! There's probably some smaller private schools.
The local schools around that area may well be pretty good. (I'm an inner west old bat!)
And I don't think not being a catholic will stop him getting into the catholic schools - the bigger ones anyway.
Send him to Joey's and he'll be a great rugby player.
Get him taught by the Jesuits at Riverview - a politician is born