Sat 9 May, 2009 11:58 am
It occurs to me that we owe a debt of gratitude to our original father, Adam, for the wonderful fact that we have women--many of them mothers--amongst us.
We learn in Genesis that shortly after being created, Adam, like any man, became... well, he wanted to "know" somebody. So God paraded all his animal creation in front of Adam to see if he could get a rise out of him.
The gorilla was no thrilla.
The bonobo was a no go.
It was obvious that Adam was a man of discernment, with discriminating taste. So God found it necessary to do some more creating, and made a woman as an afterthought, one more trip to the well, so to speak.
And so thanks to Adam, I can say to all you wonderful babes, happy Mother's Day.
so, thanks to MAN, we have woman?
Me thinks christianity has forgotten where they get those belly buttons from
Weren't Adam and Eve is some blissful paradise then they ate some forbidden fruit? Wasn't having babies supposed to be God's divine punishment? Why are you thanking him? He fucked up!
Sherlock Holmes sure knew where those belly bottons came from.
You know heaven in like earth in many ways. Gossip, latest news, WHO is WHO and collecting autograms from new comers and new comers collecting autograms from the old guys.
Adam and Eve had been handing out those for centuries and where to put it mildly damn tired of it so they were hiding.
So Sherlock Holmes arrived and was told to find Adam and Eve
No problem for him at all
Just asked everybody to pull up their gowns and so he found Adam and Eve...because they were the only ones without belly bottons.
The African dik-dik made him sick sick.
Seeing we were supposedly made in gods image -- that silly old fart wouldn't have a belly button either.