saab wrote:
Why if Canada has not been skinning seals alive since 1970 can I then find articles like this in 2009. And how come I have seen pictures and articles about it almost every year.
It is a well known fact that the propaganda used by anti sealing organisations have been using the same photos and doctored "facts" since the 70's. All animals bleed, but most animals hunted or slaughtered in factories don't do it on a pristine white background. Blood red on snow white is pretty graphic, I'll give you that, but it doesn't make any difference. Either way, the animal is dead.
Quote:March 18, 2009
Today, the Russian government made headlines when it announced a complete ban on the slaughter of seals less than one year of age, effectively ending one of the world’s major kills of harp seals.
Now, people around the world are asking why Canada"a progressive nation"has not taken action to end its own kill of some of the most defenseless animals on the planet. Every year hundreds of thousands of baby seals are killed in that country for their fur.
Seals are killed for a myriad of reasons, however, show me a baby calf, killed for veal, is it not a pretty defenseless animal. I'm assuming then, all hunting in Europe and Russia will be banned. Deer are pretty defenseless against a high powered rifle. In fact, seals are bonked on the head, stunning them, just as cows are stunned before slaughter, I fail to see the difference.
Quote:Russia's announcements followed a statement by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that "[this] is such a bloody hunt, and it is clear that it should have been banned a long time ago." Russia's Minister of Natural Resources, Yuri Trutnyev, called sealing "one of the most inhumane types of hunting in the world."
In as little as a week's time, hunters will head to the ice floes of northern Canada to conduct the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth. Canada's commercial seal hunt is every bit as cruel as Russia's.
Russia has a pretty poor record when it comes to it's own indigenous people. It doesn't surprise me how they've gutted their own peoples livelihood, they've done it time and time again. And if ever there was a country to talk cruelty... wasn't Stalin, voted the greatest Russian of all times, guilty of much worse crimes against his own people??
Quote:Scientists, parliamentarians, and journalists who observe the slaughter report unacceptable levels of cruelty, including sealers dragging conscious seals across the ice floes with boat hooks, shooting seals and leaving them to suffer in agony, stockpiling dead and dying animals, and even skinning seals alive.
Again, ancient news, not reality! This has been debunked over and over and over.....
Quote:Not surprisingly, the vast majority of Canadians want the seal hunt to be ended for good.
Completely false.
Quote:With Russia leading the way, Canada should now take action to save the seals, and relegate the commercial seal hunt to the history books where it belongs. We've made considerable progress so far in shutting down the slaughter, but we need your help to win this fight. The 2009 slaughter starts in just days.
Copyright © 2009 The Humane Society of the United States. All rights reserved.
I would look at where and when they got their info and the motives behind such articles before quoting them.