So I have these ant colonies and I've been researching some more.
Some sites tell me to add boiling water, which make take doing it a few times, and will work if the colony isn't too deep.
Lots tell me to add borax concoctions.
I looked up borax and boron, and yup, borax is supplier of 1/3 of the world's soil boron, or something like that.
Then I found this site, when I was researching re toxicity of boron - very interesting as plants do need some boron, but the range between enough and toxicity is rather small, I gather especially in inland deserts with alkaline soil (cough).
On the other hand, I wonder if in a place like mine, it'd just filter down through the sand... oh, but then what, ecologically.
Here's the link -
(Keep reading, it'll get to being careful about adding any
borax .)
So, I still don't know if I'm being goofy about outdoor ant traps. Gonna try the boiling water scenario.