Thu 2 Oct, 2003 11:29 am
After the cold, wet summer and the tailwinds of Hurricane Isabel the trees in the Poconos are looking rather shabby. The leaves are still mostly green and very listless.
Traditionally, fall foliage in this neck of the wood peaks about the middle of October.
Is the color going to be glorious? Or only so-so? What sort of display are the trees making in Canada, New England and other northern climes?
They've started to turn here just outside of Boston already. I noticed on my drive home yesterday that the birches all have a tinge of yellow now.
After a few years of little rain in the spring/summer we got quite a bit this year and everything was very lush all summer and now the cold weather is moving in fast (first frost is going to be tonight according to local forecasts).
Looks like things could wrap up as a banner year for leaf-peepers.
But the trees are so dingy--downright shopworn.
Oh it was a lovely painted autumn day up here. Tree were in full display, sadly it will not last.
The feilds are the palest yellow surrounded by lush reds, golds, greens, orange - It's all too beautiful.
I'm trying to believe--actually to suspend disbelief. We had snow flurries yesterday. Today is cold--but sunny. Belief is easier in sunshine.
I read in the morning newspaper that the optimum conditions for fall foliage are daily sunshine and cool and frosty nights.
This gives me hope.
This has been the longest fall on record, it was 26 above yesterday. I got a slight sunburn. An outdoor wedding in the midst of the fall splendor. Absolutely lovely.
I will think about an outdoor fall wedding with the temperature at 26 above. This world is full of variety.
Come to Michigan! We are aglow!
But leave your guns at home.
jesusgirl from abuzz??? welcome to A2K
Michigan's aglow, eh?
just starting. I have a slightly unreasonable feeling of responsibility for ehBeth and Setanta taking such a loooooong trip and I'm a teeny bit over-invested in hoping that the foliage will be WONDERFUL in Wisconsin when they're there. I've been checking forecasts and everything.

Looks pretty good so far!
I'm also just hoping that Madison will be its lovely Fall self when I introduce it to my daughter for the first time.
Thank you for the positive forecast.