Thu 26 Mar, 2009 04:50 am
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Soros Profiting from Your Loss
If you were upset by the AIG executives, what is your reaction to George Soros? While Barack Obama was talking down the economy and investors saw their portfolios cut in half, Soros and three other hedge fund managers made literally billions buy selling stocks short and driving the price of shares down.
Four hedge fund managers made over $1 billion by wiping out trillions of dollars of people's net worth. Together the top four fund managers made between $7 and $8 billion dollars personally. Meanwhile the Democrats in Congress are busy stirring up public ire about a few million that workers at AIG were promised if they stayed on to clean up the mess.
It's an old magician's trick of misdirection. While Frank, Dodd and Obama tell you to look over there, they rake in the campaign contributions from financial pirates who profit by driving the price of your stocks down and destroy your plans for retirement. Coincidence?
George Soros, ... made .. $1.1 billion last year.
Quote: 'It is, in a way, the culminating point of my life’s work,' he told national newspaper The Australian.
Soros of course is sort of the godfather of the modern demoKKKrat party.
Is Soros the man behind the curtain?, the puppet master?
It kind of has to look like that, doesn't it? He's at least the man with the motive and the guy behind
@Walter Hinteler,
Difference seems to be that the demokkkrats aren't talking about directing lynch mobs after those guys or their families so far....
The blueprint of the Limo Liberal.
Scumbags like short sellers are a cancer
I thought it was rich people that created jobs gunga. And here you are demonizing the rich. Are you trying to take my job from me?
My question would be - did he influence the market? Did he publish work regarding the market colapse and short sell thus influencing the market? If so, he could be charged with insider trader. There was a wall street journalist writer who used to write Heard it on the street or something like that. He would write about some stock or investment and prior to that have his partner buy/sell accordingly - he got caught and was charged as his article could influence the value of the stock/investment.
Hedge investors themselves aren't to blame. These sorts of investments are more risky and therefore tend to have huge gains or huge losses as a result (risk/return relationship). If you invest in a stock - the most you can lose is the value of the stock, however, if you short sell - your losses are limitless. A stock can continue to go up in price forever - you lose whatever the stock profits in.
I do have a small amount in a hedge fund.
these guys are profiting from a market in freefall, no big deal
the other guys aig, fannie and freddie et al, are the ones who put it in that situation
it kills me this kind of bullshit, soros is a douche, so be it, but he's taking advantage of a situation because he can
If Soros had never had anything more to do with American politics than voting I might could buy that sort of thinking. In the real world however given the extent of the guy's involvement in putting and keeping in place the bad political actors and actresses who have had such a major hand in bringing all of the present grief about, the United States and its people have to appear sort of like rape victims in this picture and Soros like the rapist.
gosh, i thought gunga embraced the free market. i thought h2o man liked the idea that anybody can make a lot of money.
but now we find out that both of them are really anti-capitalists. who knew?
that's so much bullshit, that scumbag cheney and halliburton, and bush and his oil buddies making billions the last few years, it goes on in both camps
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
gosh, i thought gunga embraced the free market. i thought h2o man liked the idea that anybody can make a lot of money.
but now we find out that both of them are really anti-capitalists. who knew?
And capitalism is the foundation of the American system. So the question is: why do
gungasnaKKKe and
H2OMan hate America so much?
You pontificate as if you were the prince of reverse land.
Too bad, so sad... Reid already has that job.
H2O MAN wrote:
You pontificate as if you were the prince of reverse land.
Too bad, so sad... Reid already has that job.
there, there l'il fella. you don't have to explain your contradictory statements to the bad, bad mans.
Do we hear anyone saying that short selling should be outlawed for the future? Too many fancy bets, I believe. Too much securitization (bundling the sub-prime mortgages), I believe.
Foofie wrote:
Do we hear anyone saying that short selling should be outlawed for the future? Too many fancy bets, I believe. Too much securitization (bundling the sub-prime mortgages), I believe.
the entire banking and stock system needs to be updated and reformed. not scrapped, but made to work in this century.
H2O MAN wrote:
You pontificate as if you were the prince of reverse land.
Too bad, so sad... Reid already has that job.
But at least I don't hate America, like you and
It's almost as if gungasnakkee and H2OMan are so UNAmerican they would be willing to attack the President and his policies during time of war.