gungasnake wrote:
It appears that Soros has managed to manipulate both our political system and stock market for his own profit; that assuredly should not be possible.
didn't hear you complain when it was mellon-scaife using his money and influence to back the arkansas project.
btw, gunga. how do you square your ethic against cheney manipulating a war with iraq in order to funnel all of those no bid contracts to halliburton/kbr ?
and blackwater ? who was it that decided to privatize american military power? could it possibly have been the prince brothers acting in collusion?
oh, yeah... and cheney's energy task force? the one that he will not, not, talk about? hmmmm.... so while doing all in his power to kill off alternative energy, the big oil companies raise the price of gas, make record profits of tens of billions of dollars q after q; and bush declares following an
exhaustive 24 hour investigation of the oil boys, that there is no gouging. wtf???
i don't see how you could be true to your statement and not be outraged by the bush/cheney mafia's complete manipulation of every possible resource and political situation to benefit themselves and their big corporate buddies.