bill :
shouldn't trade with foreign countries be easier for the U.S. when the U.S. dollar is NOT the world's reserve curency ?
now one hears only too often complaints by the FED and other agencies - as well as U.S. business - about the "unfair" exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against foreign currencies .
and relying too heavily on trade with and borrowing from china can certainly not be good for the U.S. economy - which many economists have often enough pointed out .
btw canada is in a similar siuation in its trade with the U.S .
the vast bulk of canada's exports is going to the U.S. - particularly in automobiles and auto parts . now that the U.S. has hit a rough patch , canada is buffetted heavily by the storm blowing in from the U.S.
canada's export industries had simply become lazy over the decades . they assumed that the U.S. would always be ready to take just about anything produced in canada . they saw no need to explore other foreign markets much . well , canada is paying a heavy price for that short-sighteness .