Correct JL,

but I can see engineering being individual absorbed, discovered, re-invented and learnt in an interior atmosphere and context of mystical, spiritual inclinations and aspirations, i.e. by spiritually, mystically oriented individuals.
Does that make a difference? Are the sciences in general like all else shaped and defined and reinvented by the new recruits?
Engineering can influence art. Can art influence engineering? Is architecture art? Is creating, inventing, discovering a cure for a disease art?
Engineering and science can influence mysticism through discoveries, insights and affirmations to some extent. If the spiritual aspect of humans actually exists, i.e. a transcendent self (?) etc, science---scientists is/are soaked in it.
I think some of what Huang Po, Krishnamurti, Ramana and other sages have said will eventually be affirmed/confirmed by science, do you?
Well that was my line of thinking, i.e. no discipline is learnt, taught, practiced, researched etc. in isolation.