Fri 13 Mar, 2009 10:17 pm
What is your point of view?
Hello, maza. Can you give us a little more idea of what you'd like to be discussed?
Yes...given it happened 108 years ago, your question is a little confusing.
I'm wondering if this is maza's history assignment.
So am I...but I am being an arsehole about it.
Well hey, I'm going to do somebody's history assignment on my weekend?
I'm for it...I theenk!
homework - not my thing.
I am happy to help...but I want more input from the helpee.
Quote:I'm for it...I theenk!
Just as well! I imagine it's be rather messy to try to undo federation in 2009!
Yep, that's my usual feeling about these things, Deb.
My point of view is that Corowa is rather a nice town.