BillRM wrote:
was born in NEW YORK and that is part of America
OmsigDavid if you are from New York City I would question that for example
at the start of the civil war NYC threaten to declare itself an open port
as it did not wish to loss the cotton trade<grin>.
There 's no problem with that.
Being a native American
NOT dependent upon beating another region into submission
nor into unwilling membership in the USA.
Indeed, in its ratification of the US Constitution,
NY, among some other states, reserved its right to withdraw.
From the US National Archives:
00/04/17 NY Instrument of Ratification of the Constitution
Record Group 11, The National Archives, Washington, DC
“ That the powers of government may be reassumed by the people
whensoever it shall become necessary to their happinesss ....
That the People have a right to keep and bear Arms;
that a well regulated Militia, including the body of the People
capable of bearing Arms,
is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State;
That the Militia should not be subject to Martial Law, except in time of
War, Rebellion or Insurrection."
THEN: Be it known that We the People of the State of New York, Incorporated in
statehood under the Authority of The Constitution of the United States of America
by the New York Instrument of Ratification, thus are graced by the
full benefits and liberties predicated under that document; or we are made
and held captive under Unlawful Powers to which Under God we cannot, must
not, and do not submit.”