Setanta wrote:
The use of the term Native American has a political implication which the overly sensitive promoters of political rectitude are unwilling to acknowledge. It conveys in a subtle manner an inference that people of European descent aren't native and don't belong here. The Amerindians need to reconcile themselves to their history and accept the fact that the majority population of North America are descended from Europeans, and that, having been born here, they are just as native as anyone else. They aren't going to leave, the Amerindians are not going to return to some idyllic past which never existed in the first place. There is a pure political motive in using the term Native American, and those who don't acknowledge that simply continue to abet the attitude of those who live in a dream world, longing for a past which never existed and which they would be incapable of recapturing even if it had. Living in the past is what it is all about, and living in the past never did anyone any good.
These thoughts of yours might have a corollary with the term "native New Yorker" in that those born in New York might not always consider the transplant from another state to ever be a "true" New Yorker, no matter how adept at riding the subway one becomes, or aware of how the streets run in many neighborhoods. It is said with pride oftentimes (native New Yorker) and the "transplant" will not use it. However, after some period of adjusting to the lifestyle in NYC, a "transplant" might call oneself a "New Yorker."
Well, compared to folks back home that would get lost on the subway, or not know which neighborhoods require a degree of street smarts, the "transplant" is a New Yorker; however, they would not usurp, I believe, the term "native New Yorker" that only those born in New York use (often with pride).
So, getting back to Native Americans and those of European descent, there should be no problem with Native Americans being Native Americans, and Americans of European descent being just Americans? If anyone wants those Americans of European descent to go back to Europe, well those folks have a long wait.
I see a certain similarity here to the problem in Israel and Gaza?