Let see energy would be by e=1/2*cv^2 so assuming a ten volt charge we would get 1/2 of 100000 or 50ooo joules.
Or put into another content 14 watt hours however this energy could be released in millseconds not in powering a 14 watt bulb for an hour in a failure mode. No battery even a car battery can come near to the ability of a capacitor to discharge it total energy within millseconds.
Say we have a nice slow discharge of the super capacitor taking a whole second to discharge so instead we would get 50,000 watt second of power flowing in your pocket IPOD.
Assuming my fast math is correct it would be simialar to having 11 grams of TNT going off in your pocket.
I had seen a bank of capacitors shorted out with a heavy screw driver once melting the end of said screw driver completley and driving the melted metal through the metal case of the power supply.
All in all not something I would like to see happen in my pocket.