@High Seas,
High Seas, Marporsche did not say he's going on a liquid diet. He's going on a water fast. No nutrition. I'm not even going to address Marporsches personal quest/situation anymore, since we've gone beyond that.
Morbid obesity (which is really getting off the subject since Marporsche isn't obese) is a serious issue. But not one to be attacked with a water fast.
In addition, Vietnam nurse did not say people go into a coma after a fast of a couple of days, however, I'm sure they could. A person would undiagnosed diabetes for instance, would be in big trouble.
What vietnam nurse said was...
"I collected data on an ICU research study for 4 yrs on consecutive admissions to the ICU and did analysis of various acute data on chemistry levels and Glasgow coma scale. "
The Glasgow coma scale is like any other scale, going from complete coma to complete consciousness and alertness. Somewhere in the middle are various levels of confusion and lack of response.
I can't speak for VN, but I read what she said meaning that she has analyzed the chemistry levels on 4 years worth of ICU admissions. I'm guessing that in general the more confused they were, the more their body chemistry was messed up.
I think VN said a very important thing when she said just because one says they came to no harm when they've done a fast before doesn't mean that's true.
The chemistry of a person is a lot more sensitive than many people seem to realize. You may not think you're upsetting the balance of your system, but you are.
The message that everyone needs to hear is that fasting in general is not something to be undertaken lightly. IMO a visit to the doctor at some arbitrary point after you start a fast is foolish. It's something you see the doctor before, and on a very regular basis during.
Funny, everyone seems to know nowadays that yo-yo dieting is bad for you. What do you think a fast of any length is doing? It's telling your body that it is in a famine mode, and to start to shut down any non-essential activities, like growing muscle, and up the scale to some essential activities like kidney, liver, up to the point of keeping your heart beating and brain functioning.
If you don't eat for a while, and your brain becomes confused, what do you think is happening to the other organs of your body?
In fact, I'm just going to state my own unscientific opinion that fasting does not do all this wonderful stuff like detoxing your body and clearing you out, but instead, after a point causes more accumulation of toxins, along with the inability to handle the crap.
Next time someone says to you "I'm doing such and such to detox my body" ask them "what toxins?"
They won't be able to name them. Believe me, I've asked, and all you get is "um, uh...well, all the toxins" or something like that.
Your body does a wonderful job of flushing out toxins (which I can't name either) when you give it good nutrition, water, fresh air and exercise.
wow, how boring is that?