I give up.....against my better judgement, since I believe M. is being purposely dense....here's a link to The Oxford Textbook of Medicine....and I don't believe they are talking about the shoes....
google oxford textbook of medicine ventricular fib
Start reading on page 995 and continue through 996, which explicitly names starvation and anorexia has causes for VFib.
30 days of no eating = starvation
30 days of no eating = anorexia
You cannot just say you'll go a certain amount of time and stop if you don't feel well. VFib hits you and you don't have time to eat a burger. You....drop....dead. Splat.
How do you think anorexics end up dying? Because they just disappeared? No, they go into heart failure.
Your body doesn't know fancy words like anorexia, or even simple ones like starvation. All the willpower you have won't teach it those words either.
No, M. you don't have common sense, or else you wouldn't be questioning the fact that not eating for extended periods is bad for you.
Fine, don't eat for a day or 3.
Long term fasting is dangerous.