Wed 4 Mar, 2009 10:29 am
I love Vodka and have always wondered how hard it would be to make it at home. I know there are kits out there to brew beer at home, but what about vodka? Can I make it without a kit? How hard is it to make? How long does it take?
You would need to make a still. Search on Google for "distillery" to see what these are. Or look here
It is hideously complicated and all to easy to make a drink that is poisonous (contains methyl alcohol). It would stink so all your neighbours would know what you were doing, and in most countries private stills are illegal.
You can do the next best thing, and run very cheap vodka through home water filtration systems such as Brita or Pur. All expensive vodkas are filtered a number of times, and there are many sites online which have conducted taste tests between these premium brands and home-filtered cheap brands, claiming the difference is unnoticeable in taste tests.
The question my dear cmanlong is not, or rather should not, be
can I make vodka at home, but
may I make it?
I hear told that it is very illegal. Uncle Melvin up there in Appalachia got 2 years for makin moon. Go ahead and make it. But watch yur ass!
My heritage is Czech as my Grandparents and Mother and Father immigrated to the US in 1953, with that said I will tell you that I come from a family with over 700 years of documented experience in brewing there own beer, wine, bourbon, vodka and all kinds of brandy. It’s not that difficult to do and with a little care perfectly safe. The reason the government does not want you to do this is because they will lose a substantial tax mechanism as every once of commercially made liquor is taxed to extreme so the government will lose the Goose who laid the golden egg so to speak. I also read a comment by one of the posts authors that it would stink and you would soon be discovered,, This is absolutely not true if done properly there is little to no smell involved as most stills when properly made using only safe equipment are at about 98% efficient with little to no leakage,,, Also do not use lead in any of your solder joints,, Only a minimum 15% silver stick. Also copper is ideal along with Stainless steel,, Like I said a PROPER MADE STILL is essential so a little research is a must in this endeavor, also the first 100 milliliters and the last need to be dumped as that is were the methyl alcohol is in the process, There are other things to do but like anything else that has to be some study before undertaking this hobby.. But it is certainly doable regardless of what you have read,,, Regards’ Sorry every one had some type ohs
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:
ebrown p wrote:
Why am I seeing double?
Cause yer todrunktocare.
as long as you're not TDTF
Ohhhh I can do that,,,

But I thought this was about the brewing of our adult beverages and not the fun sweaty after affects,,,,
The Mongolians call themselves Mongols which means "everlasting fire." When the Arkhi burns blue that is a good sign. Fire is also a tool of purification of the spirit in the Mongolian tradition and many other traditions and religions as well.
tycoon wrote:
You can do the next best thing, and run very cheap vodka through home water filtration systems such as Brita or Pur. All expensive vodkas are filtered a number of times, and there are many sites online which have conducted taste tests between these premium brands and home-filtered cheap brands, claiming the difference is unnoticeable in taste tests.
will home filtering work to prevent hang-overs? I kinda doubt it, as pollutant alcohols need to be distilled out from my understanding. I think I will stay with the good stuff.
I don't think you would be allowed to make vodka at home. However buy it from the store, save you all the trouble and expenses
I don't think, it need extensive use of filtration. Making alcohol at home is also illigal in some countries
Vodka is a neutral spirit that is without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.These properties are developed during the distillation process or by treating crudely distilled spirits with activated carbon or other materials. Finely distilled vodka may also be further purified and refined by treatment with activated carbon and other materials.