I believe that too Candide - but I also know that some people really have run on hard times and struggle to do that. That's where I think we should help about to those who need it. And the parents who don't do coz they can't be arsed - of which admiteddly I have only met one (and that was pretty sad) - then it's our repsonsibility to help the child.
I have a parent at school who's husband has left her. She receive two types of benefit. Job Seekers and Income Support. Therefore she isn't entitled to Free School Meals. We are a very small community. Her ex has the money, the farm, everything - she has the children and in rented acccommodation. The children are nervous wrecks...... the least we can do when Mom has no money, is help out and try to understand. The lady has a Phd and is trying to get work - she has been earth mother for years and is now in pieces, she's intelligent, but she's an emotional wreck as hubby is ...... well... he is not the most pleasant in the world shall we say!!!!! ........ meanwhile.... it's a struggle for her and her kids. ****, I paid them for a week, and another parent paid them for a week - coz, in a small community, it's kinda what you do. Doesn't make us good people or saints of any of that stuff - just makes us human. The kids shouldn't suffer. She will come good - meantime, she needs a little help from her friends coz her ex has shafted her. Really shafted her.
There are folk who do it for a living - take benefits, fraud, blah blah - which uses your tax dollars - feeding kids I just don't see the same crime - it's not the kids fault. It won't teach them anything by stigmatising the child and making them outcasts in the school or make them believe that getting a free school meal is a good enough reason to work hard so they will be able to pay for their kids meals.
Course, just my opinion. Different country. Different rules I imagine. Differing opinions.
I wish you well.