Sat 27 Sep, 2003 01:14 pm
How do I send a PM to a member?
Thank You
I have done this successfully in the past, but the last 2 times I tried it, it wouldn't work.
Anyway, go to "You have no new PMs" on the top bar and click on "New Post" on the page displayed.
Good luck.
When you hit "new post" a box comes up where you have to type in the username. You need to type the name in correctly, if you want it to work.
... and don't forget to name a "subject" (although the software will remind you on that failure :wink: )!
Also of course, when you have a post from someone you wish to PM, like Walter's above, or mine when I have sent this, there is a "pm" box to click, underneath the signature line.
Then follow the suggestions above.
Not that I think you would, but please do not pm me under any circumstances.
Bi- Even if I wanted to say something nice? :wink:
Well, if your PM is in response to an on forum post, you can just click in the PM box within that person's comment. It's one of the three option boxes at the bottom of the message box.
damn, i thought this topic was about BM's
You, Phoenix my dear are welcome to pm anytime.
I do not believe italgato is capable of saying something nice with any sincerity, and I'm not interested in hearing it if he was. He burned his bridges with me a long time ago in another place.
dyslexia as far as bm's go I'll take a pass but if you look on the internet I'm sure you'll find a whole sub culture of folks that would love to be on the receiving end of a bm from you. Try the German porn sites first, then the asian sites. I'm sorry I have no specific addresses for you.
Can anyone help dyslexia with a pm on the bm?
BM-Online Diese Site ist zwar auf die ... etwas schwerer, den Überblick zu
Don't anybody PM me a BM.
I think it's actually a federal offense to snail mail a bm...and if not it should be......
I don't think they want the whole thing...
They have COURIERS for that!
Sure be a crap job, wouldn't it?
Oh I get it. A bowel movement. A Richard, in other words.