Foxfyre wrote:
That the rest of the world piggy backs on America to build and sustain their own economies is their choice, not ours.
Your whole argument lies on this phrase, which is simply not true.
The rest of the world has no choice -at least for the next few years- in a globalized economy.
It has no choice because the US
imposed financial conditions to the rest of the world ever since World War II, where they came out as rightfull victors.
Not a single country in the world would have survived with the incredible US deficit (which means you all are living beyond your means), were it not for our obbligation first and our necessity later to finance that deficit.
Isn't it paradoxical that the US can have trillion dollar deficits because the rest of the world has to lend them to the US, even when its' economy plummets?
For example, it is important for China to continue buying Treasury bonds to finance a recovery that would allow Americans to resume buying Chinese exports.
What happens if Americans said: "let's not buy Chinese?", and actually did it.
Not that I'd love to see it, but it would certainly prove my point.