Fri 26 Sep, 2003 12:26 pm
i actually didn't get the idea for this topic from the "spiritual but not religious" topic but the "Sore heads: No Clapping, Dancing at Mass, Vatican to Warn" thread.
it was posted in there that more irish want to raise there kids catholic than actually go to church.
mafiosos, columbian druglords, pro-choice politicians, members of the IRA, and all the jesuses in prison may all identify as catholics but i doubt any of them actually believe in what the church teaches.
there are millions of people out there who reject the spirituallity but embrace the religion. i am one of them. it's very common among catholics and jews. they live by the culture of the religion not it's beliefs.
what do you think about this? do those in this forum who reject religious beliefs necessary reject religious customs?
Well, my famliy is that kind of Jewish...culturally, with a passing wave to religion. So, it's a bit mixed-up. Some are very faithful to both traditions and beliefs, some just go through the motions. However, they all identify themselves as Jews. For myself, as a survival system, culture and family trumps god any day of the week.
as for me
i embrace spirituality. i think that it is ethically wrong for people to live by the culture that a given religion promotes without the spirituality that comes with it. i grew up under the chirstian faith, yet i found its culture to be filled with hate, ignorace, and intolarability, among others. i know that you cant literaly make your own culture, but agreeing with it eventough you dont think it. whats up with that? i go by the concept that because its the way everyone talks and acts, doesnt mean that thats what they think. no one will say what they really think. they will be ridiculed and shuned by the accecpted ways.
set me straight if im wrong, however i dont belive it to be possible for ones thoughts to be wrong is their own mind....
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ethically wrong?
i don't think so. we can celebrate columbus day without believing in slavary and genocide.
many asians still practice ancestrial worship but most don't believe in it anymore. they do it mearly out of respect for tradition.
is respect for tradition any less of a noble virtue than spirituality?
I guess this is called politics.
A pure politician lies with every breath, as a matter of custom, for political gain and to facilitate power.
Just a random nonsensical thought... brain fried, back later.
Columbus day, one has to remember what happened because of him. Yeah it was inevitale, but we didnt have to be assholes about it. I dont celebrate that, I dont think that we belong here. We cant do much about it now, excetpt acknowledge it and try to keep respect in the future. on top of that why traditon, if its not what you believe. I sure dont practice any thing that might be like that. I have my own brain, and I use it. Whats wrong with change, thats what will happen, so except it and move on.
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