@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Good original thought, Ogionik. Good one. I love it.
Whatever ganja you were doin' when it hit you musta been aces!
i couldnt tell if u were being sarcastic, lol!>
but ive been sober for like 2 months.. i drank some rum like 2 glasses of rum n coke and i had some shots of whiskey but thats about it.
i rather miss blocking out everything and everyon with weed tho.
im really erratic when i dont smoke and everyone, talks to me, and i cant ignore them as easily.
its ******* HORRIBLE.
im in the store my dads rambling about evolution not being real and i just explode
'you believe in random mutations *and* the survival of the fittest you fuckhead, thats evolution!!!!!!! GODAMNIT NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY THATS EVOLUTION, NOW YOUR GONAN COMPLETELY CHANGE THE SUBJECT AND SAY "A HOUSE CANT BE BUILT BY A ******* TORNADOE!! whatever the **** that means, but go ahead keep fusing origin of life, the universe, and evolution, three completely SEPERATE ******* SUBJECTS."
i was yelling pretty loudly, i had told him numerous time i didnt feel like debating a subject if the person was going to ignore facts and use illegitimate arguments, he refused. so i returned in kind.
he finally stfu.
if i was high i woulda just played music in my head.