CalamityJane wrote:But now that we're here

- it's quite annoying isn't it?
It's not half as annoying as being on the other end of your incessant complaining.
Quote:So many new features implemented an the only one most of us want is
a PM feature. So much for "service". I am venting, as I think this feature
really takes the cake!
This is not a new feature, Nick needed to make big changes to the preferences system so that he could go on to PMs, this is merely a mistake in the code.
You aren't going to make PMs come any quicker by annoying us, we are going to do them as fast as we are able and we don't need the pressure to work harder for you. We already spend more of our free time on this than we should.
Quote:I like a2k, that is I like the people here, but features like these make it
very difficult to preserve a friendly community, especially to the ones
whose post are consistently below viewing thresholds.
Oh go fly a kite! This is a mistake, a bug, that will soon be fixed.