Thu 15 Jan, 2009 12:20 am
i figured there would be a thread but i couldnt find it.
1. exercise
2. eat right
3. stop stealing things. im so effing ghetto
4. train my dog extensively, commands and physical training
5.go to college asap when i turn 24
6.begin doing art again, when i dont feel like drawing painting or sculpting im depressed.
7.stop being depressed, ive been good on this one so far this year.
8.find a job that pays decently and doesnt make me shut down completely even on my days off because its opposite of what im good at.
(AKA cashier, customer service, i need soemthing like dishwasher, they make like 12-15 at casinoes per hour, where i can just repeat the same thing over and over and not deal with people)
they just had a marathon in vegas, i shoulda signed up..
I'm attempting the Seattle Rock and roll Marathon.Sounds fun, eh?
until u get to the point where u legs feel like magma
Every year, I keep being like, "I'll stop being so pissed all the tiime." yet, a few days into the new year, I start having explosive rages. No wonder some ppl r either so afraid of me or quit associating with me. If I were successful at my resolution, I woulda stayed in school, kept my friends/relationships, and kept my job.
whast the cause of your anger?
distorted outlook of the world lol. like blaming people for "triggering" me instead of owning up, among other things. man i'm fuckin crazy or something.
I resolve:
1. To become a vegetarian.
2. To bench-press a Volkswagen
3. To persuade OGIONIK to enter a monastery.
Sorry to be so blunt Dirtydozen22 but it sounds like you need more than a new years resolution. Have you considered counselling?
I'm going through that right now...and meds lol.
George wrote:
I resolve:
1. To become a vegetarian.
2. To bench-press a Volkswagen
3. To persuade OGIONIK to enter a monastery.
omg how did u know i wanted to go to a monastery?
seriously, omg dude ur inside my head? i havent told anyone...
O_o for real wtf?
i want to go to one where i can learn some form of martial art, physical and mental conditioning.
if u can help out please please please im sick of society. i want to have peace.
I'll have Brother Placid give you a call.
my dream went down in flames.
Brother Placid definitely thinks you're monastic material.