A lot of the stuff you are spouting is nonsense. Some scientists were predicting an ice age. The thing is, in the light of evidence scientists are persuaded. Changing your mind is not a bad thing if you are a scientist.
Plus the scientists involved are different.
your statement on ice is irrelevant then as most ice isnt floating on water.
The argument on volcanoes are a red herring. They have always occured.
The temperature is rising, and it shouldnt be, volcanic eruption, sunspots, and other activities can cause changes in climate.
However scientists are measuring changes over several hundred years.
They aren't making a snap judgement. The stupids of the US made them check, and re check their figures. It has taken around 10 years of research.
Climatologists,Botanists,Geologists,physicists,chemists,mathematicians are all in agreement. Global warming is a fact.
You have to look at what is different at the moment. Deforrestation and industrialisation is seen as the biggest new changes.
You claim a lot of people are employed by Carbon trading. I can't name one. I can name several oil companies. There most famous employee is george bush.
I am not in favour of Carbon trading, but we have to have the system because it is the only one the stupids will accept. By that I mean Kyoto. Everyone signed it. Except America. Australia left later on the grounds that if the worst polluter in the world didn't act there was no point.
If you want to have a conspiracy theory ask why America is so low in league tables for teaching Maths and Science. Ask why your government wants you to be stupid.