About ice. What you say is true. You dont take into account how much ice is on the top of mountains. or that large parts of Antarctica or the Arctic is actually land covered in ice. In fact most Ice is on land.
Someone has only told you half the story. Ask them why they did it. And you are intelligent to work that out for yourself.
Scientists also argued that destroying not respecting the eco system will lead to trouble. In some countries people didnt listen. Americans are so stupid that they destroyed the plants that held together the topsoil. This took several thousands of years to create. The Oklahoma dustbowl was created in 10 years.
I disagree with you, you can't argue with facts. Global Warming is a FACT. However if you wish to remain skeptical but at the same time not messing things up then that is fine.
Skepticism and asking questions is perfectly valid, I would however, check all the data you are given. Learn what you can about global warming. There is a reason that 99.9% of the worlds scientists accept it exists.
The trouble with the ecology is it is much easier to mess up than fix.
I accept scientists are gloomy. I was predicting global warming from 1981. People knew about it then. They didn't realise the scale of it.
The same with the ozone holes. No one thought they'd be as bad.
Your argument could just as easily go like this:
1: tell people there is nothing to worry about.
2: we are making a lot of money and we can't be bothered with this environment stuff.
3; Even if people do sensible stuff like recycling our profits will be cut
I ask you one question: how many rich scientists have you seen: and how many rich oil company owners?