I just want good bread, mayo, and tomato slices, with salt...
Are you sure you don't want to try it with cheese?
Oops, I failed the question mark rule, didn't I? I am sure I don't want cheese on my tomato sandwich, but are you?
Do you think I'm sure? What's the big deal with the cheese anyway?
Well, cheese is wonderful, but you know, don't you, that one way to really enjoy a fresh home grown tomato is eat it simply? Smash tomato into mouth? An open-faced sandwich is slightly more demure, isn't it, while still being very simple?
I thought everyone ate tomatoes that way, didn't you?
You salt your fresh home grown tomato first, don't you?
I think you have to to really bring out the flavor, just like eating watermelon right?
Am I suppose to salt the tomato first? Didn't I tell you that I try not to use much salt because of my high blood pressure?
This is such a juicy conversation, isn't it? And so late? Oh, it's not so late?
You don't salt your watermellon, do you?
Does this make you hungry?
I am always in a constant state of Hunger, isn't everyone? Should I try Mrs. Dash instead of salt?
Do you know I once worked with a guy that didn't like food? Isn't that the craziest thing you ever heard?
I think talking in questions is crazy...isn't it?
Why didn't you tell me you felt this way?
Would you tell me to stop playing?(heehee)I enjoy being a bit off center, don't you?
Do I look like the kind of person who would tell you to stop play? Wouldn't I be lonely playing by myself? Did you know that "off center" is my middle name?
Did you know i am laughing hysterically? I would miss some great stuff if i only played with myself, right? Are we the only two crazy enough to be up at this hour playing?
Do you think people are making fun of us during the day when we sleep? I don't care, do you? Don't you think it's only right that we should be able to play with ourselves whenever we want?