Will you please send me some of those tomatoes?
I can barely type, would that matter? But I have a great sense of humor, is that okay?
Are you looking lucrative career?
Do you know of one that pays lots of money for doing nothing?
Don't you know that a sense of humor is the most important thing to me? Sure you can have some tomatoes, but can you come and get them?
Why don't you know how to get there?
Can we ride together Fealola? Can we sing road songs along the way? Will Montana let us ride her horse?
Do you think she's just deliver them?
Don't you want to take a trip with me?
Should I send you a map? Do you really want to take the chance in riding my frisky horse?
With bottling all these tomatoes, do you think I have time to deliver?
You think that all this poor woman has to do is bottle tomatoes?
Doesn't it sound like all she does lately?
No, I'm not done, so can you give me a hand? Didn't I mention that I planted way too much this year? Will I ever get done?
Could you pick me up on your tractor?
Can you see all the tomatoes I have left to bottle?
OOOhhhh, would you fry some of those green tomatoes for me?