Do you think they took the tractor or the limo? Do I appear Happy? Very quiet, don't you agree?
Do you think they meant to forget us? Do you really think you're quiet?
Did they forget you too Dyslexia? Did you know that Dyslexia is a veteran member?
dyslexia wrote:have i ever bean quiet?
Is that a trick question?
Should we go looking for them? Or should we be content with the 3 of us?
Do you think they want to be found? Don't you think we can have a pretty good party with just the 3 of us? Do you want me to bring the booze? What are you bringing?
was I lost and then, was I found?
Do you mind if I bring the pork rinds?Do you like hard liquor or beer? Do you think Dys will join us?
Don't you think pork rinds are a bit fattening? Can you guess if I like beer or hard liquor better. Dyslexia, are you coming?
does a Gimlet sound good to you?
Can't you tell if you have or not?
Doesn't Atkins Allow pork rinds? Aren't we glad Rae joined us? What do you want to bring Rae?