Sci Fi? How the hell did this conversation switch to movies?
Are you moving? Where to?
Wot? Would Reagan even remember his friend now? Is the curious guy named George? Can Adele ask more questions? Do we not all enjoy her warm fuzzies?
Aren't you asking too many questions?
Is there such a thing as what?
Will Adele's warm fuzzies stop? Does Cav want them to? Is ehBeth's friend George warm and fuzzy? And where did we leave Reagan?
Does anyone know when Reagan actually developed Alzheimers?
Will Adele stop with the warm fuzzies? Can we persuade her not to stop?
Has Gustavratzenhofer moved or did he just switch?
Gustavratzenhofer went to get a switch?
Who gets to do the honors?
if you lead a horse to water, can you make him wear a swim suit?
If it's a public pool, can you get the horse to wear a diaper at least?
Will there be a public showing?
Is that something the public would really want to see?
Do they have to pay for a ticket?
Of course not, are you serious?
And why not? Do you have some kind of problem?
That's what I'd like to know? Where's the beef?
Have you ever seen a mad cow?