What is going on here?!?!?!
How come I didn't get the nocturnal emmissions thing without it having to be (sort of) explained?
Did acquiunk ask if littlek is naive?
Does anyone mind if I laugh?
Am I shocked? What do you think?
Is it possible to shock littlek?
are we all bozo's on this bus?
do you think you have the right to call me a bozo just cuz my hair is red?
Your rooting for ebeth?
What's she doing?
Wasn't Ebeth the one who brought up her roots?
Beth said something about rooting for a bus, didn't she?
Is everyone talking about me behind my back? Does Gus know something about me that he shouldn't know? Am I polish and never knew? Does Gus think I'm always drunk? How can I get drunk on tomatoes?
Dont you know that you can get drunk on tomato juice ? Havent you heard of bloody mary ?
Doesn't everyone know that Bloody Marys are better when they're made from V-8 juice?
Are not Bloody Marys even better with the new, smoother V-Go juice, from the creators of V-8?
Am I being paid for this plug? Should I be?