Should I just direct my question to the pope? Hey, POPE, did I spell homilie right?
Why didn't you tell me you were asking the pope? Should I be embarrassed?
How dare you interfere with my attempted audience with Hiz Supreme Holiness?
I don't think you can embarrass the pope, can you?
Are you picking a fight with me? You wanna take it outside?
Do you think I'd go outside with you with all those giant beavers waiting for me??? Are you crazy??
what happened in history today? I mean before they changed the water.
Did the mere mention of giant beavers pique the curiosity of all present?
You mean to tell me that you're afraid of beavers?
Aren't you a bit surprised that giant beavers are allowed to roam free in the Canadian wilderness, causing startled hikers to flee in terror as they gaze upon these furry animals?
Aren't they afraid of a lawsuit?
What have you guys got against beavers? Did a beaver ever hurt you?
Beavers are generally friendly, aren't they?
See how the pope avoids anwering tough questions?