Am I not so sorry you've misplaced your petoskey 'turtle or frog'? I just found the petoskey I polished on a vacation as a kid to a camp ground in North Port. Do you know you're bringing up a lot of great childhood memories for me, Cinn-?
Do I not love your comment about 'PMS'? Did it not make me laugh? and aren't you lucky not to have either kind of 'PMS'?
Would you like to hear 3 answers?
1. Don't you realise the birds need the maximum amount of daylight to feed their chicks so they have to start early or the chicks die?
2. Have you thought that the birds might think you're cute and just like singing to you?
3. Have you thought of getting someone like myself to serenade you outside your window and this would keep the birds away?
Rod! Aren't you the big flirt?!
You don't know how annoying it is to have no mouse; or do you? I still have no mouse after the last four days or so, when I broke it after hearing that one of my old friends had fallen down four flights of stairs; I was freaked out, and-- naturally-- annoyed that it took two hours to load a few pages of A2K; have you ever had to do it? To get to the reply box, one has to click tab about seventy times-- can anyone live without A2K? I really should buy a new mouse, should I not?
I like to sleep with the windows open, too, Cinnesthesia; but it's really hard to sleep when the birds are out, isn't it? What can one do?
Isn't it almost as annoying as having no computer? I am having to buy a new hard disk and replacement software and I haven't backed up anything have I? Am I annoyed or what? And I don't get it till at least Wednesday, do I? And has anyone else had a problem signing into A2K from another computer because it has taken me forever, and the login doesn't work - frustrating, wouldn't you say? Have you seen my new game, 2001 Dalmatians?
I know, it's so annoying, isn't it? My computer is as good as broken, so I'm in a library at the moment; isn't the computer that I'm on signing me off every ten minutes? Don't I feel that your situation is worse, though? What exactly went wrong with it, anyway?
And yes, I have seen it; am I not puzzling over what my second go will be? Didn't I consider 'King Lolita'-- sycophantic kings and pervert-émigrés-- and then withdrew that idea due to respect for Shakespeare? Did you know that your self-hypnosis techniques inspired the first game that I've created?
Aren't I pleased to hear that? But doesn't my heart go out to you for having a broken mouse? Isn't it true that a new one is only about £19.95?
Yes; but do you not realise how difficult it is to go mouse-shopping using public transport, while feeling lousy? I am feeling better now, but I have to return to hospital Tuesday to get results back; am I not glad that I'm a BUPA member? Do you know, they think that it might be something to do with a rare allergy or, unfortunately, something to do with my intestines?
Do you think you would like to come with me to The Spa in Thailand to have a complete clean out of your colon over 7 days of fasting and colemas?
Did you know you could buy mice on the Internet with only a visa card number?
I didn't know Drom has been being sicky, did I? Don't I wish Drom feels better fast? Aren't I horrified about the friend and the staircase?
Yes! Don't we all wish drom- better health?
I did, Clary; but I am very wary of when to use my debit card when on the I use it, aren't you? Even the most secure website could be exploited by hackers; what is the point of their existence?
Wouldn't I love to come with you? Of course I would, yes; but don't you know that I hope the anaemas and things are optional, as I am very squeamish when it comes to such things being inserted?
Osso and Dev, you do know that I am very grateful for your well-wishes, don't you? I hope so; anyhow, I will be all right, I hope, and will keep you posted; despite my privacy, if one can call it that, I should mention what's up at times like this so that you know that I've not disappeared, shouldn't I? And am I glad that I have learnt to tolerate using mouse so that I can talk to you all?
Rod3 wrote:Would you like to hear 3 answers?
1. Don't you realise the birds need the maximum amount of daylight to feed their chicks so they have to start early or the chicks die?
2. Have you thought that the birds might think you're cute and just like singing to you?
3. Have you thought of getting someone like myself to serenade you outside your window and this would keep the birds away?
1. I think this happens long before the baby birds are hatched, doesn't it? Even before they are a twinkle in Daddy's eye?
2. Well, that could be part of it, couldn't it? And don't I have a few endearing stories to tell about birds? And shouldn't I eventually take the time to post them in the Wilderness, Wildlife & Ecology topics?
3. What if I mistook you for a bird: would you like me to throw a rock at you?
Cinnesthesia wrote:
3. What if I mistook you for a bird: would you like me to throw a rock at you?
Will you please accept my appologies for responding to your plight, I won't do it again?
Did you think I was serious? Did I hurt your feelings, Rod?
I feel bad that my comments were taken the wrong way; should I be the one to apologize?