who knows when the world is going to end and could you be more specific and not quote stuff from the bible? Wouldn't it be nice to know? Can you not tell where I'm from?
Are you from the Bible Belt?
Is that a piece of clothing article ?
There probably are bible belts in the most literal sense; do you know how much there is to justify the saying: 'the Church is the earliest get-rich-quick scheme?' (Does a saying count if I just made it up?)
Do you think so? Or is it just a figure of speech? And why does the month of April take those April showers so literally? I mean, I love the gorgeous lushness of my backyard, but why all those puddles? Shouldn't someone be throwing his coat down for me to step on?
If SOMEONE makes up EVERY saying, why can't yours count too?
O, literally: there's no better way of extracting money from the masses than terrifying them with vengeful Gods, is there? (Well, perhaps crappy merchandise, but that was the best way then, before Made in Korea, wasn't it?) Although, maybe there is credence in the idea of there being a 'God shaped hole' in everyone; what do you think?
And yes, there should; but then, everything has changed, has it not? A considerable number of people would want an ogle at one's chest for just a tiny sign of courtesy; is not it sad?
Yes, but every one thousand years (on the thousand), don't some people give away all their Earthly possessions in hopes of saving their mortal souls and buying their way into Heaven?
Drom beat me, but do I not like what was said? Do I not have many opinions on this subject? Do I believe in the 'God-shaped hole' theory? You know I think so, although I cannot speak for all?
BTW, drom_et_reve, what does your nom de plume mean?
Questions, questions, why so many questions?
Cinnesthesia, don't I find that sad? Do people really think they can buy their way into heaven? Does it not seem wrong somehow?
Do you really want to know the answer to that question?
Do I have to liquidate my assets?
Did you really think you'd get an answer to that one?
O, sorry, I've been very busy over the last few days, everyone; didn't this annoy me? Is it unhealthy to want to be on here all the time?
I'm sorry that I don't know, but: why not what, devriesj? I believe in something more than Earth, but I think that everyone has to find their own answers rather than following someone else's; don't you agree?
My name comes from my family's language; having relatives in about eighty countries can be cumbersome communication-wise, can't it? Anyway, it means 'drowning in the dream;' isn't reverting to this so demonstrative of being stuck for a name in English?
As for my assets, what's in it for me to reveal them? Is there an incentive or are you just marginally curious?
O, dròm_et_rêve, although I wasn't the one who asked, did I thank you for the explanation of your name? Did you know I originally thought it meant "to revel in otherworldly drugs"?
Do I love questions? Wasn't I always known as an inquisitive child? Overtly so? Even overly so?