Can you believe how long it's been since posting on this thread? Do you know how nice it is to be back with all the lovely people"
Is Diane going to save the thread from dying after all?
It is nice to be back on this thread, isn't it?
So, I have news, don't I? A few nights ago, I found myself clicking on BACK after a post, not once but three times (forget why, but there was a reason at the time) and got, ta da, three copies of the post - didn't I? So, I have nailed down part of what I do wrong, or do partly wrong, I think I have, I think I have, but, we'll see, won't we?
Is anyone else afraid to watch?
Did that make sense to anyone?
Does Osso need to make sense? Nah, she's a treat under any circumstances, isn't she?
Uh, there was a set of posts about my double posting problems, not ALL that many posts ago, wasn't there??
I have been a little preoccupied about this matter, as it is embarrassing, haven't I? Sorry for any confusion draped about on the topic, I am.... you know I am, don't you?
Do you know that I saw a fox jump off a bridge today?
Do you realize, Ossobuco, that you are not on the "connect the word" thread, or whatever they call it?
Why did the fox jump off the bridge, Gus? Don't you know that we are all intrigued now?
Yes, indeed I do realize that, gussy; if not too far, where was the bridge and where did foxy land?
This is a question format, is it not? Ok, should I try to tell this story?
Do you realize I was driving on a small road which passed over a main freeway? And that a fox was running toward me and when he saw me coming over the rise of the bridge he quickly darted to the left and darted through the opening of the bridge?
Do you realize I quickly made a u-turn, followed the fox's tracks in the snow, and peered over the bridge, only to see the crumpled carcass on the freeway below?
Do you have any idea how bad I felt?
How bad did you feel, gus? Was anyone else hurt? Isn't it hard to write a story in question format?
Why do I feel like I'm in the middle of a Dr. Seuss experiment gone wrong?
Was something chasing the fox. Gus? Or was it simply the sight of you standing there in all your glory that caused the poor animal to commit suicide?