CJane: Yep, it's really nice in the summer -- pretty much a solid wall of green out there. A little harder to see animals though. The spider sounds really cool!
boomerang: I start to explain what I did and get all tongue-tied -- showing I can do, explaining is harder.
The sari border had that green at the very edge and I wanted to use that, so I sewed that part on top of the red fabric (as opposed to the more usual right sides together, inside out, since if the seam was any more than about 3/8 of an inch, the green would disappear). Using black thread that disappeared nicely, I sewed right at the very edge and then again on the other side of the green (about 1/4 inch away) to make sure it stayed. (The green fabric edge was finished -- serged?) I -- mitered? -- the corners; that is, I folded over the edges at a 45-degree angle so they met at the edges.
THEN, after the sari border was sewed on, I turned the whole thing over and sewed the um vertical edge (the squared-off, sari-border-only part) with right sides together. I ran the seam up to the higher of the two existing thread lines, then when I turned it right side out, it had that shape to it.
All of it was very eyebally and improvisational, probably some simpler trick to it.
ehBeth: Hey, thanks! I'm having fun.