Looks like a Klan rally. Or a gigantic river baptism. I'm not tuned in to events that include drugs, unless you count the burning man celebration which strikes me as a totally dreadful time.
I acknowledge many posters have strong beliefs and get offended when their beliefs or non beliefs are questioned. I think many folks are unaware of the long history of belief systems because they are completely comfortable with current church practices. (Pick any religion). Personally, it doesn't matter any longer that terrible things occurred in the name of faith in 900AD or the reformation. It has historical import, shouldn't be ignored but condemning people to death by horrific measure for heresy isn't practiced any longer. Now, people just congratulate themselves for belonging to the one true God approved religion.
I think religious history is fascinating. We live we learn, we can believe or not believe. Oh, and I don't remember which Christian religion the Vikings practiced. Alright, that's a tad smart aleck, without checking resources to refresh my memory, I'm thinking the Lutherans introduced Christianity and are the predominate religion in Scandinavian countries. I find Catholic, Episcopalian, Anglican and Lutheran services very similar. But that's me, I'm sure many folks would be highly insulted, but that's not what I intend to do.
Anyhow, go to temple, church or not. We have freedom of religion and freedom from religion.