pa·gan·ism [pey-guh-niz-uh m]
pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
the beliefs or practices of pagans.
the state of being a pagan.
belief that no God exists
Synonyms: disbelief, doubt, freethinking, godlessness, heresy, iconoclasm, impiety, infidelity, irreligion, irreverence, nihilism, nonbelief, paganism, skepticism, unbelief
Antonyms: belief, godliness, piety, religion
unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters
Synonyms: agnosticism, apostasy, atheism, blasphemy, defection, disbelief, dissent, dissidence, divergence, error, fallacy, heterodoxy, iconoclasm, impiety, infidelity, misbelief, nonconformism, nonconformity, paganism, revisionism, schism, sectarianism, secularism, sin
Antonyms: orthodoxy
Quote:How much of Christianity is based on Paganism?
What the **** kind of question is this!? Asking some stupid ass question. What the hell is wrong with you?!
I am pretty sure in order to be a damn Christian you have to believe in a god. As I think back... in the past I may had once upon a time claimed Christian but that was when I had no damn sense in my damn head. Unable to make sense of ****, unable to understand a ******* thing etc etc... I can't believe in a god I doubt. I doubt a god? Then I don't believe in a god. My dumb ass parents put you up to this ****?! What dumbasses. Maybe if they would had provided me knowledge actually wanting me to learn I wouldn't had taken my entire life to grow the **** up to ******* mature. to let that thing called common sense take over my brain. Or something like that.
Honestly. I'm bored. Looking for things to do in this thing called the internet wasting my life away.
And if you know my parents and they happen to be offended by any of my previous mentioned words any of my words mentioned elsewhere then that should show you they've got a ways to go before they are fully mature.