How much of Christianity is based on Paganism?

Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 01:40 pm
If there were other innocents why weren't they allowed to enter the Ark? Doesn't the bible say that there were only 8 righteous ones, Noah and some of his family?
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 02:22 pm
Enaj wrote:
Back on the subject, there is much paganism in Christianity...the trinity, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, weddings with white dresses, rings etc etc, just do some research on it. Its very revealing.

That's very hard to do when someone has poured their all into accepting a musty, and highly flawed, script as being the voice of God. I'm afraid reason doesn't come into it.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 02:42 pm
What does it mean to be righteous?
If the story is to be believed Noah was not just tasked with building the ark, he also had to deliver a warning which was both ignored and ridiculed until the day the flood came. As good as any individual may have been, they merely had to take note of the message and they too could have been saved. By ignoring Gods warnings, they were by definition unrighteous regardless of their deeds
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 02:47 pm
Enaj wrote:
If there were other innocents why weren't they allowed to enter the Ark? Doesn't the bible say that there were only 8 righteous ones, Noah and some of his family?
They could have.
They did not.
But, let's say it was just a tragic mistake on their part. They would then be covered by John 5:28.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 05:59 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Your first 2 quotes are not about praying and the last one proves that, when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he said to pray to "our father". Not to his father, mind you.

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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 08:14 pm
There certainly were little children that were innocents that had to obey and do what their parents required even if that was not taking Noah's message seriously. They would have been some of the innocenst that were left to drown, if this flood account is true.....but then maybe it wasn't and no innocents were lost. It's just another story...by the way, I understand that there were flood accounts in other religions also. So maybe this is another pagan story adopted into Judaism and Christianity. You think?
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 09:14 pm
There are two points to consider here.
1) who is responsible for the life of that child? At least in bible times, Every man was responsible for his household
2) In mans great redemption, Gods judgment day, There are to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous (Acts 24:15). If those children had neither knowledge nor ability to decide for themselves, there is no reason to believe these would not be among the unrighteous to be brought back for a second chance.

As for the multiple flood stories in other cultures, it depends on what you wish to believe. Some may say multiple records are supporting evidence for the story, for instance a study into chinese Characters for the words Ark and Ship show up interesting correlations with the Noah's ark story, others will say it is merely the work of international raconteurs, borrowing story from culture to culture. Regardless, each one must make up his or indeed her own mind.
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 12:03 am
Calamity said (re God wiping out heathens): And what happened to his policy of non interference? what did you say it would do if he broke it? I think you said it would render it worthless.

Israel was under God's personal protection in ancient times because he wanted to keep it safe to pave the way for sending Jesus there, so of course he had to zap any tribes who were threatening Israel.
Later when things settled down and stabilised he stepped back and let things run their course.
For example when Jesus was arrested he told his disciples to stay kool-
"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” (Matt 26:53)
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Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 12:22 am
Enaj said: there is much paganism in Christianity...the trinity, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, weddings with white dresses, rings etc

Christmas and Easter celebrate Jesus's birth and sacrifice, nothing pagan there. and no christian dresses up as a witch or ghoul to celebrate Halloween.
A white wedding dress signifies purity, and a wedding ring signifies the bond between hub and wife, nothing pagan there either..Smile
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 12:31 am
Olivier said:@RF- Your first 2 quotes are not about praying and the last one proves that, when Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, he said to pray to "our father". Not to his father, mind you

Jesus let us know that we could pray to him as well as to God-
"I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (John 13:1)

But if people were more comfortable praying directly to God he said that's fine too-
Jesus said- “This is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name...." (Matt 6:9)

God is his Father AND our Father-
"I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” (John 20:7)
Miss L Toad
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 01:06 am
How much of Christianity is based on Paganism?

One would need to believe 100% in the stars to follow Rosborne's line of thinking.



Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 01:25 am
@Miss L Toad,
I believe in stars wholeheartedly.
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 01:42 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Christmas and Easter celebrate Jesus's birth and sacrifice, nothing pagan there.
Except for the pagan traditions which accompany them
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
and no christian dresses up as a witch or ghoul to celebrate Halloween.
But Halloween is, nevertheless, a pagan celebration.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 03:07 am
All this nonsense about "Christianity has pagan roots" is just anti-christian propaganda.
For example if you bought a nice comfy settee from a warehouse and later found out it previously belonged to a pagan high priest, you wouldn't dump it, you'd go on enjoying it regardless of who owned it before.
Same with Christians, they celebrate Christmas and Easter in honour of Jesus and don't care if pagans previously had rituals that happened to slightly resemble them..Smile
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 03:45 am
romeo says:
and no christian dresses up as a witch or ghoul to celebrate Halloween.

boy, do you have a lot to learn about modern-day america. yes, they do.

and christianity of course came out of judaism, and archaeologists have been finding that the god who became jehovah of the old testament (however you want to call him)was originally married among the people who culturally became jews later. can't get much more pagan than that. jehovah's wife was asherah (aka ishtar, astarte), monotheistic proto-zealots somehow convinced god to get a cosmic divorce at some point, and she pretty much disappeared from the historical record, but not the archaeological one as they've been discovering in the last couple decades.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 04:56 am
Romeo said: no christian dresses up as a witch or ghoul to celebrate Halloween.
Monterey Jack said: boy, do you have a lot to learn about modern-day america. yes, they do.

If some Christians dress up for Halloween or let their kids dress up for it, that just shows how Christianity doesn't take paganism seriously and is only good for poking fun at..Smile

Montery Jack said: jehovah's wife was asherah

That must be where the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' comes from, they had to be witnesses at the marriage ceremony..Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 05:23 am
pa·gan·ism [pey-guh-niz-uh m]


pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
the beliefs or practices of pagans.
the state of being a pagan.

belief that no God exists

Synonyms: disbelief, doubt, freethinking, godlessness, heresy, iconoclasm, impiety, infidelity, irreligion, irreverence, nihilism, nonbelief, paganism, skepticism, unbelief

Antonyms: belief, godliness, piety, religion

unorthodox opinion, especially in religious matters

Synonyms: agnosticism, apostasy, atheism, blasphemy, defection, disbelief, dissent, dissidence, divergence, error, fallacy, heterodoxy, iconoclasm, impiety, infidelity, misbelief, nonconformism, nonconformity, paganism, revisionism, schism, sectarianism, secularism, sin

Antonyms: orthodoxy

How much of Christianity is based on Paganism?

What the **** kind of question is this!? Asking some stupid ass question. What the hell is wrong with you?!

I am pretty sure in order to be a damn Christian you have to believe in a god. As I think back... in the past I may had once upon a time claimed Christian but that was when I had no damn sense in my damn head. Unable to make sense of ****, unable to understand a ******* thing etc etc... I can't believe in a god I doubt. I doubt a god? Then I don't believe in a god. My dumb ass parents put you up to this ****?! What dumbasses. Maybe if they would had provided me knowledge actually wanting me to learn I wouldn't had taken my entire life to grow the **** up to ******* mature. to let that thing called common sense take over my brain. Or something like that.

Honestly. I'm bored. Looking for things to do in this thing called the internet wasting my life away.

And if you know my parents and they happen to be offended by any of my previous mentioned words any of my words mentioned elsewhere then that should show you they've got a ways to go before they are fully mature.
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 05:25 am
Shocked I've been an atheist my entire life and didn't even know it.
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 05:31 am
I honestly did not know what paganism meant. Saw the word for I'm not sure of the number of times I saw the word in the above title.. searched the meaning.
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Miss L Toad
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2014 05:35 am
I believe in stars

The stars colloquially known as the three kings are in the middle of the pic above and


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