If you find an affinity towards my perceived insult, shine on your happy slag and decide whether or not your spew can withststand itself.
So, let's go all out again Finn for insulting idiots.
Montana - As such an insipid participant who has never framed an intelligent argument, you might be expected to growl about Finn rather than justify your silly ass positions: "We should all be happy!" "The Jews should stop keeping us from being all happy."
Hey Montana, the beast invites you to say something of value.
Oh no, Finn, the Beast is in town, and so Montana the cutsey little anti-semetic can declare her promise that she only favors that which might be cute.
If Finn was such an irrational madman, you would not spend the time to combat him and so Finn exhults.
Finn Agonistes
Finn the Exultant
{This is a cyber silly place - if you care, you have a flaw with which you have to content)
Finn The Sleeping Leopard
What fun you miscreants.