Cat .... tastes like chicken!
This cookie is technically tuile (okay, that was for the chefs amongst us)
fortune cookies
May the Bird of Paradise fly up your nose.
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it (Salvadore Dali)
This cookie will self-destruct in 5...4...3..
Inspected by: #5
I am the Walrus
All your base are belong to us
(Cookie with two seperate fortunes in it)
Fortune #1: Fortune #2 is true.
Fortune #2: Fortune #1 is false.
I forsee painful paper-cut in near future.
This is a stick-up! Throw your wallet in the cookie and lie face down on the ground.
We hope you enjoy our new laxative-flavored fortune cookies.
Blessed is he who makes
his companions laugh.
Duck sauce have no duck
Why you reading this anyway?
If you are Canadian, turn fortune over for French translation.
You paid too much, and tipped too little.
Hope you enjoyed the lemon grass kitten.
你们 运气不佳
(ask the waiter fot translation)
[the waiter giggles]
你们 不知道
(ask the waiter for translation)
[the waiter laughs out loud, rolls on the floor and pisses his pants]
This is your final warning.
Save this fortune. It's the
only kind you'll ever have.
We saw what you ate
and we giggled.
Your date wants you to rub her leg.
Try it and see!
People think you dress funny
but they're too polite to say.
You have 30 minutes until the cookie takes effect.
Our cook can be very rude. Our apologies.
For a good time, call 767-2676.
[edit: on the west coast, it gives you the current time. ]
Never look behind you.
They might be making faces.
The slow boat from China
made your dinner extra tasty.
MSG stands for May Sit and Go.
Good luck.
Get out while you still can.
You have no fortune today.
"We want to refund your dinner bill."
Your meal was provided by Ted Nugent.
and you were reluctant to eat road kill?
You if this read can might be you dyslexic.
Put that cookie did not finish your dinner.....
Sometimes a cookie is just a cookie
sometimes a cookie is a valet on Sunset Strip