Sat 20 Dec, 2008 12:05 am
Seems hamsters have claws again.
Responded to a stupid thred, and ZAPAROONY, it was gone before I could look again.
Just like the good old days....
Sweet Dreams A2k
(anyone else see this anomaly?)
just wondering, and may poof this...
Nope, I missed it. But it doesn't sound as though it was a great loss.
No, twas a poofter, nonetheless, action has been in the minority of late...
Do you think there's less spam nowadays or that it disappears so quickly we don't even notice it?
Yeah, I had that happen a couple of days ago.
Definately less spam. I think I've reported a total of maybe four since the changeover. I used to get more than that in a single night.
We definitely get less spam. I used to spend a lot of time, particularly on getting rid of porn spam. As in hours per week. A lot less time is spent now. Thank you, Robert and Nick, for giving me my life back.
i think, i hope, i kinda pray, i just saw justice again...
ok, mebbe i'm wrong...
Yep, 'cept I was out doin' stuff, 'twas another modderoonie.
thought I'd save the bot the trouble of reviving this one and do it myself...
moderators, where the hell are you tonight???
(we miss you)
We're up and workin' on thangs.