@Finn dAbuzz,
Yes. there are 336 votes left when you subtract.
225+64 = 289 is Franken's lead with the 64 votes added.
336 votes left after that
Coleman would need to get 289 to equal Franken then one more of what is left
336-289 = 47
That leaves 47 votes of which Coleman needs to get half +1 or 24 votes
That means IF they count all the votes which may not happen Coleman needs to get 313 votes to Franken's 23. No county went that heavily for Coleman> Even if you add back in the 64 Franken votes Coleman still needs to get 313 votes to Franken's 87. Again, no county went that heavily for Coleman. And almost half the votes to be counted are from areas that Franken won.
Coleman is not going to get a 313-87 margin in the absentee ballots.
Let me repeat.
"Coleman isn't going to gain enough votes. "