Tue 23 Sep, 2003 06:12 pm
Why do you cry freedom? Why do you rail against injustice? Why do you complain about inequality? Are you not satisfied with your station in life? Everything this world has become, it has become because we have allowed it. We stand aside while the people who lead us further burden our lives with their ideas of how we should live. However, complaining has never solved anything. The leaders hear our complaints, but they only offer us excuses or a quick fix, to placate us. They cfigure we aren't going to *do* anything. But complain.
Everyone talks about the problems of our society, but few do anything more than talk. What does it take to revolutionize the world? To change everything for the betterment of all? It takes desire. I desire change because children are dying from starvation under the care of our wealthy leaders. I desire change because there is a difference between those who have money and those who do not. I desire change because there is no living standard that applies to every man, woman, and child equally, regardless of race and culture.
I desire F.R.E.E.D.O.M.. We all suffer under the oppression of capitalistic, imoral, and greedy leaders. We minorities suffer more than most. The people have no voice. The cries of the oppressed are ignored, and further, we are powerless to inspire these 'leaders' toward serious change. Powerless until the many unite as One to Speak as One. The power belongs to the people, but the people must first unite before we can take back what has been stolen from us.
The 'Freedom Revolution to Establish the Egalitarian Deportment Of Mankind' is a brand new effort to organize like minds into a united effort to reassert the power of the people. In order to be a part of this movement, you must desire True Freedom. This is a grassroots effort to elevate the People to their rightful place as the Power. It is an effort to give voice to those of us who are serious about effecting change by action, and are willing to write the letters, organize the boycotts, speak out to the people, and speak up in public.
Edit (Moderator): Do not post your links.
The entirely reasonable objection to be raised against your thesis is its vagueness. You do not offer any analysis of the precise methodology necessary to right the wrongs of which you speak. You offer platitudes, which is exactly what the politicians you denounce do when the time comes for electioneering. Why should anyone hop on your bandwagon without a clear idea of what it is you intend to do with the force you would assemble as when "the many unite as One to Speak as One." (This is English, not German, your capitalization is inappropriate.) You state: "We stand aside while the people who lead us further burden our lives with their ideas of how we should live." Is one to assume that you are any different? Do you not simply offer another set of dicta on how we should live? You've offered nothing but the cant of your particular politico-religious stalking horse, why should anyone join your parade?