Yeah--I know that's going to happen. It's a partial Ignore.
It's there and I use it for myself. I wish it wasn't there maybe because of it's use for what you are objecting to. But it's there. The first few times I tried it I just clicked on them to see what would happen. I sincerely hope I didn't upset anybody.
It's like your guns. Guns are there in the US. Some people don't use them at all, some use them to polish or for target practice or last ditch protection, some for robbing banks and killing people. A lot of reasons. It's not the guns, as you often say--it's the people.
It's amazing that Phoenix didn't know where the thumbs up sign is said to have originated. That's really clever. You have to be really clever to have avoided all that shite about the gladiators that's in all the schoolbooks and movies nd all, and even pub quizes. It's her husband that's dumb for believing clap-trap like that. A gesture of that nature must have originated in the foggy ruins of time. Before speech maybe. The Romans weren't artistic enough for a thing like that. They got it from the tribes. Obviously. The lower class of the times segment.
So-as nobody knows what originated in the foggy ruins of time, nor ever will, Phoenix's intellectual excellence is not diminished one iota by her not knowing. On the other hand her husband has demonstrated a woeful lack of that quality and is obviously a very fortunate man to have " married up", as we say.