Have you considered that she may have a learning disability? If she does, I don't really feel that it's your business to know and so the family may have not told you, for this reason.
You don't seem like you have much to go on, honestly. CPS cases are for abused children or children who are not taken care of (ie. baths, bedtime, meals). It should not be abused. The agency is too overwhelmed by cases and people like you, so they can't focus enough attention on serious abuse cases. That's why you learn about so many children being abused to the point of death on the news. Often, CPS workers have determined that the home was safe right before a tragedy happens. We all ask ourselves, "Why?" when this happens. You no longer need to ask yourself this. You know it's because of people like you taking up CPS's valuable time with silly complaints. I'm all for contacting CPS and keeping children safe when people see abuse or serious neglect. You saw neither of these, from what you told us.
Perhaps you should consider this situation a little bit more before jumping to unconnected, unfounded and extreme conclusions. Maybe she homeschools her children very early in the morning or they take play breaks. Maybe a child has ADD, so they need to take many breaks to play outside. If she has a husband, maybe he does the homeschooling in the evening when he gets home from school, or they wait to do it together. It's really not your business.
Don't call CPS unless you see something more serious. Maybe she might have just been flustered because of how you were treating her and that is why she had difficulty with the word and cried. We weren't provided with the whole dialogue and from your personality that you represented here, I think it's possible that you were pretty judgmental and tough on her. I don't blame her for being flustered to the point of having difficulty with the word and crying.
Additionally, your post has a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes and as a result, I don't know that you're the best judge. When you judge, you get judged. One example from your writing is "are house" instead of "our house". I think that word is easier than the word the 11 year-old could not spell and you're an adult. Just chill and focus more attention on being a good mom to your own child instead of spending so much energy on someone else's children. This is not productive for your child/children.
It sounds like you're bored and have WAY too much time on your hands or you wouldn't spend so much time focusing on other people. Maybe it's time to get a job and have a daycare provider spend time with your child, as she or he might focus more energy towards your child than you obviously do.
You honestly sound pretty paranoid too. Maybe you need a psych evaluation. I don't mean to be mean. I'm just being honest. I'm a social worker myself and I think the problem seems to be with you and not your neighbors. You need to learn proper boundaries. Consider setting a good example to your own child/children about being neighborly. If you're that concerned, then speak to the mother. Don't be so passive-aggressive.