In Northrhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palantine and anywhere else in German, today the "fifth seasion" has started:
the Carnival season is considered to be the "fifth season of the year", starting at November 11th at exactly 11:11 a.m. (elften elften elf uhr elf- starting time in German).
In Cologne, this tradition takes place at the Heumarkt, a large market place in Colgne's old town ... and that is broadcasted live on tv - until late afternoon.
After the official programme has ended in the evening hours, the party will go in the streets and pubs will be crowded until tomorrow morning.
This season of controlled debauchery and uncontrolled drinking is only slightly interrupted by the various remembrance days in November, the Christmas shopping and St. Niklas/Christ Child/Santa.
Photo taken one minute ago:
The live tv program is on the internet as well: