Open Letter to Obama

Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 05:32 am
Dear Senator Obama,

I am not Joe the Plumber, but I am an Average Joe"a typical middle-class American.

First, I trust you are a good husband and father and I sincerely applaud you for running for president.

My parents raised me to be independent and self-reliant. I was taught that no one owes me anything and that I will get out of life what I put into it through my sweat, dedication and sacrifice. My wife and I are raising our children with the same values.

We don’t believe you share the same values we are trying to teach our children. For example, your comment to Joe the Plumber regarding "…spreading the wealth around" deeply troubles me. Taking the wealth of one American and giving it to another is anti-American. I don’t believe that confiscating the property of one American and giving it to another will not improve the condition of either. Hard work and sacrifice should always be encouraged and rewarded, never punished.

Though I am far from an economist, I periodically read the Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal has condemned your tax/spend proposals and has written how your proposals will cause damage to our economy. I trust the Wall Street Journal's business sense more than yours or mine.

In times of economic slow downs, the last thing that should be done is to increase taxes on anyone"specifically the business sector"and to spend more money on government programs. This is Economics 101. Lowering taxes actually increases tax revenues for the government and will provide a positive jump start for our economy.

I greatly respect and admire the men and women in our military. According to a poll I saw recently the overwhelming majority of them support your opponent, Senator McCain. Their overwhelming support of Senator McCain speaks volumes about Senator McCain as well as you and Senator Biden. The poll tells me that they don’t have the faith in you to lead them. Leading them as their Commander-in-Chief is one of the primary responsibilities of the president.

During this campaign you stated your support for the 2nd Amendment. I recently read numerous comments regarding guns by both yourself and Senator Biden, which give me much pause for concern. I don’t believe you support the 2nd Amendment and would ban all guns if you could. I don’t “cling to my religion and guns” in as much as I cling to personal freedom.

I recently read your campaign has funneled over $800,000.00 to ACORN through Citizen Services, Inc. ACORN is under federal investigation for voter fraud and has, in my opinion, a dubious history. I find your campaign's association with ACORN to be very suspicious and troubling.

Your campaign and the media have viciously denigrated Governor Palin. I detest that. I believe what Washington DC needs is more outsiders who can bring new and creative solutions to bureaucratic, entrenched problems. It concerns me that the cruel attacks on Governor Palin will cause other good Americans to shy away from public service.

Trying to dismiss your associations with terrorist Ayers, Reverends Wright and Pfleger, and Mr. Rezko is also deeply troubling to me. I learned a long time ago that one of the fundamental measures of a man is whom he associates with. Some of the people you have associated with have hate in their hearts for America. That is reprehensible.

The differences I have with you are fundamental in how we view the role and responsibilities of the federal government. I support limited government, as I believe the government that governs least governs best. I like what President Reagan had to say about the kind of government you seem to endorse: government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.

Because of these fundamental differences, I will not vote for you.

Very Respectfully,

Average Joe
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Type: Discussion • Score: 2 • Views: 1,468 • Replies: 17
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 06:49 am
cj (in his imaginary letter) wrote " Lowering taxes increase tax revenue"
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 06:51 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
So? It's true. You don't understand how things work.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 06:53 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

cj wrote " Lowering taxes increase tax revenue"

FACT: Lowering taxes increases tax revenue.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 07:42 am
What I love is that this letter writer have no problem with the large scale transfer of wealth from the middleclass to the rich only the other way around for some strange reason.

Hundred of lobbies every day work with congress to figure out more ways of transferring the wealth away from the middleclass.

Second McCain is on the record more then once supporting the progresses income tax and attacking Bush tax breaks for the top percent of taxpayers.

Strange world we live in that somehow the party of the rich get the middleclass to vote against their best interest time after time
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 07:44 am
Being a member of that middle class, I kinda like having a job so I don't fall into the lower class. Raising taxes in a bad economy will pretty much insure that will happen. It's not that hard to figure out, unless, of course, you don't actually have a real job and sit in an ivory tower on a campus somewhere, surrounded by tenured, liberal asshats.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:00 am
Strange world we live in that somehow the party of the rich get the middleclass to vote against their best interest time after time

That really is amazing isn't it. The republicans have been very good at preaching what people want to hear, but then doing something different.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:06 am
the lower class exist to scare the piss out of the middle class so they will continue to pull the plow for the upper class until the upper class is so wealthy and insulated from hard times that the middle class is no longer necessary. then starts the establishment of a combination of the middle and poor class into the serf class, and of course people like you pull the plow to make that happen as well.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:13 am
So if the middleclass get some of thier wealth back this is somehow going to cause a lost of jobs?

It is someohow better for the society for a CEO to have 400 million dollars worth of bonuses instead of the middleclass spending that same money amount of funds to buy goods at the CEO company for example?

I only had have three university level courses in economic but I don't think that is how it work my friend.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:15 am
Better take more classes. Those tenured liberal economics professors can really offer you some good insight.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:25 am
cjhsa wrote:

So? It's true. You don't understand how things work.

No, it isn't true. No economist thinks that lowering taxes actually increases revenue; and this has been disproven many times using factual historical information.

Stick to guns, Cj, leave the thinking to others, and you'll be happier.

Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:52 am
Fact: Lowering taxes increases tax revenue.

Just keep listening to those liberal nutcase professors of yours snakeye. The real world knows what to expect of Berzerkeley and has a great bit of fun, at your expense of course, when you do get a job.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 08:57 am
cjhsa wrote:

Fact: Lowering taxes increases tax revenue.

Just keep listening to those liberal nutcase professors of yours snakeye. The real world knows what to expect of Berzerkeley and has a great bit of fun, at your expense of course, when you do get a job.

You are incorrect. Perhaps you can point to the evidence that backs up your position.

I'm sure you know, Cj, that I work in Berkeley, not go to school there.

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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 09:02 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

cjhsa wrote:

So? It's true. You don't understand how things work.

No, it isn't true.

Yes, it is true.

Only non-thinking, freedom hating liberaltards say it's not true.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 09:04 am
Politics is like playing chess - you have to think ahead of your next five moves in order to make the very next one count. The Republicans only look to the next move, period, and now that we have lost the "game" i.e. economically, the Republicans want us to forget everything and start a new game, all the whilst knowing that we still have an unfinished game where we lose the battle if we don't change the players who actually have knowledge of how to play the game.

In plain words, little cj, if we don't help the lower class, we're all doomed. Economics 101 actually!
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 09:22 am
CalamityJane wrote:

In plain words, little cj, if we don't help the lower class, we're all doomed. Economics 101 actually!

The #1 way to help the lower class is to bust up teachers unions and free up the education system from government control.

Until this change is made - we are doomed.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 09:34 am
LOL CJHSA those far left wing professors of mine was all Miami Cubans if I remember correctly.

In any case you never did address your theory of how a CEO receiving a 400 million dollars bonus is better for a company then having their middleclass customers using those funds to buy from that company.
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 09:40 am
So, if lowering taxes raises revenues then you are arguing that every year since 2001, when Bush lowered taxes, the tax revenues are higher than any year prior to 2001, correct?
Could you provide your figures to prove it?

Even the Bush administration lists figures showing tax revenues were smaller for the 3 years after the tax cuts. I guess that makes Bush a "libtard."
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