@Bi-Polar Bear,
Do you think Colin Powell would not have been a Republican nominee, either President or Vice President, by now if he had been willing to run for high office? The fact is you are attributing racism to the GOP with zero evidence that it is prevalent. But already the stage is being set to accuse racism as the cause should Obama lose on November 4. It isn't Republicans who pile on and condemn and smear and violate a conservative black Republican as a betrayer of his race or accuse him/her of being an oreo or hanky head or other uncomplimentary terms that have been thrown at Powell, Rice, Watts, Thomas, Sowell, Walters, Steele et al.
So who will be voting against Obama for reasons of racism?
It won't be the GOP who would be voting against him no matter what his race, religion, ethnicity or anything else is. He stands for just about everything that conservative Republicans do not. His race has absolutely nothing to do with it other than resentment of his using his race as a club to silence his critics.