WASHINGTON - Since the first day of his presidential campaign, Barack Obama has been dropping the name of his Senate colleague, Republican Dick Lugar.
On February 10, 2007, when he announced his candidacy in Springfield, Ill., Obama proclaimed, "I've worked with Republican Sen. Dick Lugar…"
In a rally this summer in Indiana he told the crowd, "I've worked with Indiana's own Republican Sen. Dick Lugar…"
Obama even featured him in a campaign ad, saying, “What I did was reach out to Sen. Dick Lugar, a Republican…"
And during Wednesday's final presidential debate, the Democrat gave Lugar his highest praise yet. He said the Republican was among a handful of people "who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the White House."
So why does the Democratic presidential nominee keep invoking the name of a 76-year-old Republican from Indiana?
Meet Dick Lugar
Dick Lugar may not be a household name, but he's well known within international security circles. And he's famous to world leaders who are trying to protect their countries from nuclear attack.
In 1991, Lugar teamed up with Sam Nunn, then a Democratic senator, to create a program aimed at securing and dismantling the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons inside the former Soviet Union.