So it turned out that Joe the Plumber became a big part of the debate last night. Much like the Bill Ayers “connection” that McCain made a centerpoint of his failing campaign, making Joe the Plumber the centerpoint of the third debate is currently is backfire mode.
All right, now let’s deal with that loaded title…
“Joe” in in quotes because the guy’s real name is “Sam”. As in “Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher”.
Republican is not in quotes because Sam is a Republican.
Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said a Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher, whose address and age match Joe the Plumber’s, registered in Lucas County on Sept. 10, 1992. He voted in his first primary on March 4, 2008, registering as a Republican."
It was [Wurzelbacher's] “spread the wealth around” comment that caught the attention of conservative commentators, including Rush Limbaugh, and in discussions on the Internet. Mr. Wurzelbacher was a guest of Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on Tuesday.
“Plumber” is in quotes because a quick search of licensed plumbers named “Wurzelbacher” in Ohio turns up empty.
Racist is not in quotes because of this interview…
COURIC: Could you just, Joe, explain quickly, and then we’ll let you go, how you met both of the candidates?
WURZELBACHER: I’ve yet to meet John McCain. Obama came to my neighborhood and my son and I were outside tossing the football, and all of a sudden he showed up, and there went our football tossing for a while. And, you know, neighbors were outside asking him questions, and I didn’t think they were asking him tough enough questions, so I thought, you know, I’ll go over there. You know, I’ve always wanted to ask one of these guys a question and really corner them and get them to answer a question of"for once instead of tap dancing around it. And unfortunately I asked the question but I still got a tap dance. Do you - almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr.
Ooh, I tell ya, ‘dem blackies can dance!!
Now I don’t think he’s an out and out racist. And I don’t think he would actually admit it on TV, but as read his answers to the other questions begin expose a revealing pattern.
COURIC: Well, he supposedly will raise taxes only on people who make over $250,000 a year. Would you be in that category?
WURZELBACHER: Not right now at presently, but, you know, question, so he’s going to do that now for people who make $250,000 a year. When’s he going to decide that $100,000 is too much, you know? I mean, you’re on a slippery slope here. You vote on somebody who decides that $250,000 and you’re rich? And $100,000 and you’re rich? I mean, where does it end? You know, that’s - people got to ask that question.
This was before the previously posted answer (Sammie) and after this one..
COURIC: And again, why don’t you just reiterate quickly for us, Joe, because I want you to get back, get to your local news station where you are, how you felt about the statements made by the candidates vs. the statements you heard when they were out on the campaign trail talking to you.
Obama speaks well, but the one thing that’s really important, that everyone in America really need to know is, you know, talk is talk. You know, he can speak pretty, but, you know, there’s got to be action behind it. We’ve seen McCain, we know his actions. Even if you disagree with him, at least you know where he stands. McCain - or Obama, we’re not sure where he stands yet, even after his debates. Like I said, he speaks eloquently, better than I do, but I honestly, I still don’t know where he stands. He’s said a lot, but none of his experience has backed it up. You know, the only experience I’ve seen or his actions are raising our taxes, so, you know, I’m middle class. I can’t have my taxes raised anymore.
I’ve put everything that I’m talking about here in italics.
Bascially is what Sam is saying, going back to the Sammie Davis, Jr. comment that he ended with (and that is important), is that he can’t trust Barach Obama because he is black. He can trust McCain because he is white. When you look at statements of candidates and records of flip-flopping objectively, both guys have done it, and McCain has a longer record of doing so, particularly in the last eight years.
Sam met Obama. Sam has ample access to the Internet and has watched the debates. To still say that you don’t understand simply stated policies and just don’t trust a guy you’ve met and researched. And the main reason you give is that the guy talks pretty?! That is a statement that sets off my b.s. alarms.
And it gets worse because the guy, Obama, isn’t planning on raising the guy, “Joe the Plumber”’s, taxes at all. As Joe mentioned, he’s not near that tax bracket. His taxes would go down under Obama’s stated plan.
But he doesn’t trust the guy, and then to give an example of how pretty he talks, he picks a black icon known for how pretty he danced.
See, here’s Obama “dancin’ like Sammie”.
Note: when you watch that knowing that Joe is making up his hypothetical income, you can see how he doesn’t really want to hear the answer, which would explain why he still doesn’t understand Obama’s tax plan.]
I know exactly what Joe was thinking while he was standing there in the sun and it’s not uncommon amoung rural Republicans.
It’s a basic distrust of someone standing in front of you, trying to answer your questions. It’s standing there, nodding your head on the outside, but calling them a liar on the inside [this is exhibited in the video above with the class "crossing the arms" X sign]. In this case, given the facts and the evidence, I think it’s fair to call that reaction racism, and Joe the Plumber needs to get over it.
He also needs to get over idiotic Republican tax policies that have stagnated working wages and accelerated executive pay for nearly 30 years, that as I point out here haven’t worked out so well for everyone.
Here is Joe talkin’ ’bout how he, you know, just can’t trust the guy.
Yea Joe. I know. I’m from Texas. I see this crap all the time.
Joe, you and I are about the same age. Please wake up.
I know you represent the last vestiges of holdouts that only have one real reason for not voting for Obama. It’s the only thing that is keeping this from being a 20-point landslide. McCain thinks this makes up a samll percentage of his support, but I would put it at upwards of 30-40%. This is the 15% of Americans that still think Obama is Muslim (assuming they are part of the 50% that vote and will do so to keep Shariah law out of the U.S). And, yes, it is that big a part of McCain’s remaining support.
Just ask Joe.