@High Seas,
High Seas wrote:
Rex - you could always move to Switzerland; there is a movement for "plant rights"
After reading it I decided I can still give apples and carrots to horses (and eat them myself) but I must first ponder their intrinsic worth - some kind of Grace, far as I could figure out. Some neo-spiritual view of sorts. Read it and let me know.
I was once working for an Episcopal Diocese and happened to be the one manning the front desk when a lady came in. She was expressionless--deadpan--not unattracive despite no makeup, rather unkempt long hair, a battered floppy sunhat, long sleeved man's shirt and I think jeans. She very thoroughly explained to me how it was against God's will to destroy any living thing including plants which also had feelings and souls. We could not consume eggs, but we could consume milk, nuts, fruit, and seeds. Her mission in life was to tell people God's will about such things.
I tried to be gentle and I asked her the distinction between an egg and a seed. She had an explanation but I forget what it was. This was many years ago.
I offered her water and a cheese sandwich. She declined and left and I never saw her again.
Very strange and no idea who she was or what she was about. The memory has remained with me however.
Intellectually I don't think plants can hear or feel or have any such sensory perceptions such as pain. Nevertheless, I feel compassion for a plant in distress and my first instinct is to tend to its needs and/or heal it and my spirits are lifted when it responds. I can't explain that.